At the Endangered Species Foundation, we are committed to safeguarding Aotearoa's unique and irreplaceable natural heritage. We believe that businesses and organisations with aligned values can make a significant difference by joining us in our mission.
Building Resilient Partnerships
If your organisation is committed to sustainability and biodiversity outcomes we invite you to contact us to discuss potential partnerships to support our priority work streams: "Drains Are Streams, protections for the critically endangered Māui Dolphin and tara iti, NZ Fairy Tern and key projects for our most endangered species.
Partnering with the Endangered Species Foundation aligns your organisation with the values of sustainability, kaitiakitanga (guardianship), and community engagement. By joining us on these priority projects, you will:
Contribute directly to the conservation of endangered species and the restoration of vital ecosystems.
Showcase your commitment to environmental stewardship and sustainability to your key stakeholders
Engagement and educate your team and community by participating in hands-on conservation projects and awareness campaigns, fostering a culture of care and responsibility for the environment.
Position your organisation as a leader in protecting Aotearoa's natural heritage and inspiring others to take action.
Together, we can create a legacy of care and protection for Aotearoa's most vulnerable species. To explore partnership opportunities and make a meaningful difference, please contact our General Manager at

Tara iti 2024 - Photo - Darren Markin
Partner for Impact
Explore potential partnership opportunities to support three of our priority projects: "Drains Are Streams," the protection of Tairāwhiti Ngutukākā, and the conservation of the critically endangered Māui Dolphin.

Drains Are Streams
Reimagine Urban Waterways: Restoring Life to Hidden Streams
Our "Drains Are Streams" project challenges communities to rethink how they view and manage urban waterways. Many of our drains are, in fact, remnants of natural streams that have been piped or modified over time.
Partnering with us on this project will enable your organisation to support efforts to restore these vital ecosystems, including adopting a stream. By improving water quality, reducing pollution, and enhancing habitats for endangered freshwater fish, you can help transform neglected urban drains into thriving environments. There are also many opportunities to engage your staff and wider communities in education and engagement initiatives.

Tairawhiti Ngutukākā
Protecting a National Treasure: Tairāwhiti Ngutukākā
Tairāwhiti Ngutukākā, (also known as Kākābeak), is one of Aotearoa's most endangered plant species, found only in the wild on the East Coast of the North Island. This stunning plant, with its bright red flowers, holds deep cultural significance and represents the unique biodiversity of the region.
As a partner in this project, your organisation will support vital conservation efforts. We are working closely with local iwi, conservationists, and communities to protect and restore the few remaining populations of this iconic plant and engage people in reconnecting with the ngāhere (forest). Your involvement will ensure that Tairāwhiti Ngutukākā and other native species can continue to thrive and be appreciated by generations to come.

Māui Dolphins
Saving a Taonga: The Fight to Protect the Māui Dolphin
The Māui Dolphin, known for its distinctive rounded dorsal fin and small size, is one of the world’s rarest and most critically endangered marine mammals. Found only off the west coast of New Zealand’s North Island, there are fewer than 100 Māui Dolphins left in the wild, making their conservation a matter of urgent national and global importance.
By partnering with us on this crucial project, your organisation can help drive efforts to protect the Māui Dolphin from extinction. We are advocating for stronger legislative and regulatory measures, enhancing collaboration and engagement, and raising public awareness to protect these precious marine mammals.

Top 50 Endangered
Help Safeguard Aotearoa’s Most Vulnerable Species
Aotearoa New Zealand is home to some of the world's most unique and precious species, many of which are teetering on the brink of extinction. The Top 50 Endangered Species list highlights those most at risk, representing not just individual species, but entire ecosystems.
By partnering with the Endangered Species Foundation you can help to implement targeted conservation strategies, support vital research, and engage communities in protecting these irreplaceable species. Your support will amplify our efforts, helping us to preserve the biodiversity that defines Aotearoa and sustain it for future generations.
Contact Us
If you are interested in partnership opportunities to improve restoration and protection efforts for Aotearoa's most vulnerable species please contact our General Manager at