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Help save Māui the world's smallest and critically endangered dolphin 

Donate today

The world’s smallest dolphin the Māui is teetering on the brink of extinction.

With a population of just 63 over the age of one, the Māui dolphin a species found only in New Zealand, is listed as ‘Critically Endangered’ by the IUCN. Your donation today will directly support our efforts to mobilise communities, strengthen advocacy, and collaborate with key groups to safeguard the Māui dolphin.

Help shine a spotlight on the threats they face and implement the solutions that can bring about much needed change.

Your donation will help to:

  • Draw attention to the issues facing the Māui Dolphin and the solutions that are needed

  • Educate people on how they can make a difference.

  • Enable collaboration and community engagement

  • Advocate for policy change to protect the Māui dolphin and its habitat 

Donaton form

Help save the world's smallest and one of the most endangered dolphins

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