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Awhi Awa | Embrace a Stream

Kete | Resources

Thank you for restoring a stream! Here you will find all the resources you need to apply ika (native fish) signage, learn more about our waterways and the most endangered fish species here in Aotearoa. Once you've embraced a stream, you can send us images and updates to We would love to hear from you!


Information about our waterways, what stormwater is, why our waterways need help and what you can do to make a difference. 

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A video with step-by-step instructions on how to apply endangered fish signage to your drain.

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This brochure outlines the Drains are Streams project, threats to endangered ika (fish) and how we can restore waterways.


Find out more about endangered fish species in Aotearoa, from the tuna (eel) to the kōaro, 76% are endangered or at risk of extinction.


Through hands-on experiences these four education modules enable an introductory learning experience for tamariki (children).

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This A4 sign includes a link and QR code to purchase our Awhi Awa kete. Useful for displays and at events and workshops! 


 Instructions on how you can awhi, embrace and care for a stream to support the restoration of waterways for endangered species.

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This workshop presentation can be shared to introduce people to the project and inspire them about what's possible. 

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When you donate you help give our most vulnerable species a voice.

Endangered Species Foundation

The Endangered Species Foundation is a registered charitable organisation supporting high-priority biodiversity projects that protect New Zealand’s most vulnerable indigenous species and habitats from extinction.



Registered Charity: CC49520

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